Post Tagged with: "narrative"

“Borders” by Pia Swainer, London

“Borders” by Pia Swainer, London

topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT The first page of the exercise book returned her stare, blank and insolent. Little squares, plotted with indigo lines, challenged her with their tiny white spaces, pregnant with possibility, daring her to fill them with the pen on the desk. It was still capped, unused. The […]

“Escape to Revolve” by Jeanny Gering, Lahore

“Escape to Revolve” by Jeanny Gering, Lahore

topic: NEW FRONTIERS medium: TEXT With her feet bare and the street steaming, I imagine Vera standing outside the railway station, on the day she turned her fate around. Her departure was not about going somewhere, it was about leaving behind what was hers. It was a typical day for […]

“An Informative Powerpoint Love Letter” by Oliver Hartman, NYC

topic: MONEY medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “Making Ends Meet” I’m happy that you all made it here tonight and am especially relieved to see so many non-liquid edibles. It makes filling my sandwich bag-lined pockets a little easier. Ha, you can laugh if you […]

“The Change” by Kezia Frayjo, Damascus

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “Great Expectations”   Everything was well before the incident. I didn’t know it was all going to change that afternoon. If I had known what was about to happen, I don’t think I would have sat there calmly […]

“Slave Revolt” by Annick Szabo, Unknown

topic: REVOLT medium: text Bodies lay around a young boy. Water hitting the damp and half rotten wood of the ship that was been moving across the ocean for what feels like years when in truth it couldn’t of been more then a month or two. Then stench was making […]

“Walk of Freedom” by Mimi Rana, Kathmandu, Nepal

“Walk of Freedom” by Mimi Rana, Kathmandu, Nepal

topic: DREAMS medium: TEXT Blood was oozing out of Limbu dai’s bullet wound.  I realized that he was going to die. This thought gave me a sense of relief. A tiny part of me still shifted uneasily however, each time he wheezed and coughed; cold appeared to have got his […]

“The Only Downside to Survival is that Life Goes On” by Kári Tulinius, Reykjavik

“The Only Downside to Survival is that Life Goes On” by Kári Tulinius, Reykjavik

topic: TRAVEL  medium: TEXT It was the first Christmas Eve I had ever been outside Iceland and away from my family. Alex and I were driving up to Vermont in the Subaru Outback she had inherited from her father. I had never been up to Springfield to see where Alex […]

“My Mother’s Eyes” by Katherine J. Chen, NYC

“My Mother’s Eyes” by Katherine J. Chen, NYC

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT My mother once saw me for who I was. It was as if she had prepared herself – had made the resolution to see her child not as a part of her body but as a stranger, unconnected, with no memory of having breastfed me or […]

“The First Stone” by Dee Turbon, Scotland

“The First Stone” by Dee Turbon, Scotland

        topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT I took an oath. My hand on the book and I said I would not go. Swore to her I would not. Trust me, I said. I am an honest man and though my pockets are empty, I am my father’s son […]