Archive for category: Change

“The Change” by Kezia Frayjo, Damascus

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “Great Expectations”   Everything was well before the incident. I didn’t know it was all going to change that afternoon. If I had known what was about to happen, I don’t think I would have sat there calmly […]

“My Mother’s Eyes” by Katherine J. Chen, NYC

“My Mother’s Eyes” by Katherine J. Chen, NYC

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT My mother once saw me for who I was. It was as if she had prepared herself – had made the resolution to see her child not as a part of her body but as a stranger, unconnected, with no memory of having breastfed me or […]

“The First Stone” by Dee Turbon, Scotland

“The First Stone” by Dee Turbon, Scotland

        topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT I took an oath. My hand on the book and I said I would not go. Swore to her I would not. Trust me, I said. I am an honest man and though my pockets are empty, I am my father’s son […]

“My Papa’s Eyes” by David Fraser, Unknown

“My Papa’s Eyes” by David Fraser, Unknown

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT I see my papa’s eyes weighted with two round stones, smoothed by river water. My mother’s tears drip upon my neck. I reach across a crude, rough-hewn wooden box, a kind of boat to me, lined with my mother’s shawl. With me, I see my mother, […]

“I, Ex-Queen of the Orient Am” by Catherine Nicholson, Paris

“I, Ex-Queen of the Orient Am” by Catherine Nicholson, Paris

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT as shared at a PenTales event themed “Royalty” Listen to the Story! I should have known it would end like this. Him: world famous; me: unknown, forgotten… well, whatever. Que sera sera. I just want to have my side of the story told, draw a line […]

“Three Kings Day” by Elena, Paris

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT, AUDIO This story was shared at a PenTales event themed “Royalty” Listen to the Story! I arrived at my grandmother’s on New Year’s Day to find books piled up in the bath, tin cans arranged in snaking lines on the kitchen floor and children’s toys decades […]

“Just a Girl” by Rocio deMingo, London

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT I’m a little child lost in the valley of freedom. Too many choices, too little time. Through the darkness of my subconscious dreams, little paths of light appear. Kaleidoscopes of rainbows, reflections of my soul, paths that try to lead the way, which to choose, I […]

“Great Expectations, or The High Hopes of a Housefly” by Catherine Nicholson, Paris

“Great Expectations, or The High Hopes of a Housefly” by Catherine Nicholson, Paris

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT This story was shared at a PenTales  event themed “Great Expectations” Listen to the Story! It was, without a doubt, the best jam he had ever tasted. “In all my days and lifetimes,” he sighed, “that is the best jam I have ever tasted”. The jar […]

“Expectations Rant” by Ezra Wolkenfeld, Washington Heights

“Expectations Rant” by Ezra Wolkenfeld, Washington Heights

CHANGE This story was shared at a PenTales event themed “Great Expectations” So, I was thinking about the theme of the night, and I realized that expectations actually play a huge role in my life. To be completely honest, as someone who lives most of their life inside their own […]