Post Tagged with: "narrative"

“My Papa’s Eyes” by David Fraser, Unknown

“My Papa’s Eyes” by David Fraser, Unknown

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT I see my papa’s eyes weighted with two round stones, smoothed by river water. My mother’s tears drip upon my neck. I reach across a crude, rough-hewn wooden box, a kind of boat to me, lined with my mother’s shawl. With me, I see my mother, […]

“A Fabulous Opportunity” by Phillip Hutten, Vienna

“A Fabulous Opportunity” by Phillip Hutten, Vienna

topic: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT medium: TEXT as shared at a PenTales event themed “Crime and Punishment” Ich hatte noch nichts gefangen, alles schien so wie immer zu laufen, auszusehen, der See, an der betreffenden Stelle an der ich immer stand, Sonntags um diese Zeit.Die regelmäßigen Kirchenbesuche hatte ich ohnehin schon […]

“An Encounter in China” by Karen Frank, Missouri

“An Encounter in China” by Karen Frank, Missouri

topic: TRAVEL medium: TEXT We huddled together, a bunch of American tourists in an alleyway in Beijing. A small crowd of people surrounded us. They inhabited this traditional neighborhood, known as a hutong. Not many hutong are left. They have, for the most part, been razed by the government and […]

“The Start of the Affair” by Fiona Cameron, Paris

LOVE & HEARTBREAK In the middle of a dinner that was billed as a quiet meal with a distant old family friend, his mood suddenly shifts. He takes on a serious tone: “I dreamt of you last night.” I laugh nervously and he continues: “You were standing on a hill, […]

“A Family Affair” by Nadia, Paris

“A Family Affair” by Nadia, Paris

topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT as shared at a PenTales event themed “Foreign Affairs” Listen to the Story! In the 1930s, just as the situation in Russia was seriously deteriorating under Stalin’s iron grip, Ella was 17 and studying at a Geneva university. The 1930s were difficult times for everyone. Ella’s […]

“DAVE” by Josh, Paris

“DAVE” by Josh, Paris

topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT as shared at a PenTales event themed “Foreign Affairs” Listen to the Story! “I think it’s best if we adopt the “tracing paper” approach – that is, applying a sheet of tracing paper to your letter, and writing my answers on top. With one of those […]

“Great Expectations” by Olivia Salazar-Winspear, Paris

“Great Expectations” by Olivia Salazar-Winspear, Paris

topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT as shared at a PenTales event themed “Great Expectations” Listen to the Story! As an annually optimistic person – that is to say – I am optimistic in September, every year, and then I go back to being a negative, fatalistic person for the rest of […]

“From a Letter in a Wedding Card that was Never Opened” by Mark Fitzpatrick, Paris

“From a Letter in a Wedding Card that was Never Opened” by Mark Fitzpatrick, Paris

topic: LOVE & HEARTBREAK medium: TEXT Do you know what he said? This was on the second day. We were in Lyon, and I left him for five minutes while I went to check in, told Jessie to watch him, and so she’s moping in the back of the car […]

“A Garden for Higher Authorities” by Elinor, Paris

“A Garden for Higher Authorities” by Elinor, Paris

topic: CRIME & PUNISHMENT medium: TEXT   A large palm tree stood near the entrance of the garden. Beneath the tree was a vast carpet of flowering plants, but there were gardeners of an Indian or Pakistani origin busily transplanting the small white flowering shrubs for a similar red flowering […]