“Slave Revolt” by Annick Szabo, Unknown

Revolt July 20, 2011 04:27
topic: REVOLT medium: text

Bodies lay around a young boy. Water hitting the damp and half rotten wood of the ship that was been moving across the ocean for what feels like years when in truth it couldn’t of been more then a month or two. Then stench was making the boy dizzy, tho he should of been use to it by now. His bones threatened to break threw his thin, stretched skin as he was clinging to any hope he had. All he wanted was to be free. To feel safe within his mothers arms.
The chains that attached each captured slave was heavy, and weighed them all down. Most of the slaves in his section had died within the first two weeks or so and he was alone. Alone in the cruel reality, alone in his misery of losing his family for this horrible, tortured existence. Urine, vomit and shit coated every inch of his raw, dark skin and all his cuts and scraps were infected. He wish they would just kill him.
He toke a painful, rasp breath and shifted his tiny sore body onto his side as the stench assaulted his nostrils once more. His empty stomach clenched, forcing acid out of his raw throat. It burned and caused the walls of his throat to rip open. The blood and acid mixed with the rest of the mix below him. Those small movements toke the last of his energy from him, as he fell back onto his raw and whipped back. The pain shot threw the child’s whole body. A weak broken sob broke threw his thin almost black lips.
Just then rustling of the chains could be hear threw out the silent haul. He couldn’t bring himself to care who it was. He just wanted to drift into nothingness. Just as he was nearing the darkness, when he was going to escape the pain of reality. A cold, bony hand clasps around his.
” Do not give up little one. We have to fight, We will free ourselves and our families” came a soft, shaky voice of a female. The voice of the old lady that had sometimes gave him her small pieces of scraps. She was right. They could not give up. Their families and friends back in their villages relied on them. They had to set everyone free…

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