Post Tagged with: "2011"

“Soldiers of Soul” by Sahar Haq, Lahore

topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “Love and Heartbreak”

“Passion (or seduction)” by Carmen James, NYC

“Passion (or seduction)” by Carmen James, NYC

topic: LOVE AND HEARTBREAK medium: TEXT Standing over the bridge on Puerto Madero I felt I was sailing. The bright sun and the seemingly effortlessly elevated bridge suspended me, the rippling water, the cool-constant breeze the blue of the sky tempered by the grey of the harbor. In my airborne […]

“To define true love would be to ruin its purity” by Liza Gnirke, NYC

topic: LOVE AND HEARTBREAK medium: TEXT Well, I’m a romantic.  I guess I believe in true love, as dumb as that sounds.  It’s all about finding your soul mate.  The qualities that each of us look for will vary from person to person obviously.  But, in general, they are…well…the counterpart to your […]

“Stumble Upon a Leaf” by Maria Arrocha, Panama City

“Stumble Upon a Leaf” by Maria Arrocha, Panama City

topic: NATURE stumble upon a leaf, and its shape and color take me back to my childhood – I am running very fast on my horse, I am 11 years old, small kid finding fun in nature. I remember the green savage fields, filled with technicolor green diversity, huge trees in the […]

“Escape to Revolve” by Jeanny Gering, Lahore

“Escape to Revolve” by Jeanny Gering, Lahore

topic: NEW FRONTIERS medium: TEXT With her feet bare and the street steaming, I imagine Vera standing outside the railway station, on the day she turned her fate around. Her departure was not about going somewhere, it was about leaving behind what was hers. It was a typical day for […]

“I like money” by Afeeni Islam, NYC

topic: MONEY medium: CONVERSATION “I like money. Money I need. Gotta get money. Money over bitches! That’s my mantra, so write it down! But seriously, money—or assigning value to human life essentially—is equally evil and necessary. Money is what creates our culture in its current form.  The people at the […]

“Walk of Freedom” by Mimi Rana, Kathmandu, Nepal

“Walk of Freedom” by Mimi Rana, Kathmandu, Nepal

topic: DREAMS medium: TEXT Blood was oozing out of Limbu dai’s bullet wound.  I realized that he was going to die. This thought gave me a sense of relief. A tiny part of me still shifted uneasily however, each time he wheezed and coughed; cold appeared to have got his […]

“The Only Downside to Survival is that Life Goes On” by Kári Tulinius, Reykjavik

“The Only Downside to Survival is that Life Goes On” by Kári Tulinius, Reykjavik

topic: TRAVEL  medium: TEXT It was the first Christmas Eve I had ever been outside Iceland and away from my family. Alex and I were driving up to Vermont in the Subaru Outback she had inherited from her father. I had never been up to Springfield to see where Alex […]

“The First Stone” by Dee Turbon, Scotland

“The First Stone” by Dee Turbon, Scotland

        topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT I took an oath. My hand on the book and I said I would not go. Swore to her I would not. Trust me, I said. I am an honest man and though my pockets are empty, I am my father’s son […]