Post Tagged with: "2010"

“Let’s Wear Burlap Sacks Forever” by Stephanie Hodges, NYC

“Let’s Wear Burlap Sacks Forever” by Stephanie Hodges, NYC

topic: LOVE AND HEARTBREAK medium: TEXT as shared at a PenTales event themed “Love and Heartbreak” It was 1987. a Swiss boy named Simon knocked on our door. He was 5. His family just moved to the neighborhood. his mom and dad were both newly appointed foreign correspondents to the […]

“Great Expectations” by Muhammad Radwan, Damascus

topic: TRAVEL medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at an Event themed “Great Expectations” Road turns white. View of world tilts, the world at 45 degrees, or…? Blackness. Obfuscation. Brother, where art thou? In the hospital, realizations that there will no ensuing realizations, the epiphanies have already come, but they’re not […]

“Death by Arak” by Diego Gomez Pickering, Damascus

“Death by Arak” by Diego Gomez Pickering, Damascus

topic: LOVE & HEARTBREAK medium: TEXT as shared at an Event themed “Great Expectations” Get to know Diego better by going Behind the Story During full moon nights she is never able to sleep. On those erratic nights, which might well happen more than once a month since her calendar […]

“Just a Girl” by Rocio deMingo, London

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT I’m a little child lost in the valley of freedom. Too many choices, too little time. Through the darkness of my subconscious dreams, little paths of light appear. Kaleidoscopes of rainbows, reflections of my soul, paths that try to lead the way, which to choose, I […]

“Great Expectations, or The High Hopes of a Housefly” by Catherine Nicholson, Paris

“Great Expectations, or The High Hopes of a Housefly” by Catherine Nicholson, Paris

topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT This story was shared at a PenTales  event themed “Great Expectations” Listen to the Story! It was, without a doubt, the best jam he had ever tasted. “In all my days and lifetimes,” he sighed, “that is the best jam I have ever tasted”. The jar […]

“The Grass is Less Green on the Other Side” by Ezra Wolkenfeld, Washington Heights

“The Grass is Less Green on the Other Side” by Ezra Wolkenfeld, Washington Heights

topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT as shared at the PenTales event themed “Borders” When I first decided I was going to move to New York for some amount of time, which was by complete and utter dumb coincidence shortly after Meira (my girlfriend) decided she was going to NY, and after […]

“George Drops Sociology” by Danny Hoffman, Washington Heights

“George Drops Sociology” by Danny Hoffman, Washington Heights

topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT as shared at a PenTales event themed “Borders” Just be strong. Get in there, do it, and get out. Nice and quick, like a band-aid. Just be strong. Be strong. BE STRONG! George was thinking so hard he was mouthing the words without realizing. He was […]

“Jack’s Ciggies” by Danny Hoffman, Washington Heights

“Jack’s Ciggies” by Danny Hoffman, Washington Heights

topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT as shared at a PenTales event themed “Borders” Watch Danny tell his story on Youtube! Finally, time for a smoke.  Jack reached into his jacket pocket as he walked down the street away from the restaurant.  His three-hour dinner with Marcus had been pleasant enough, but […]

Stories from a PenTales Event in London

topic: TRAVEL medium: VIDEO