
Monogamy August 8, 2011 04:29
topic: Monogamy medium: Text
By: Sally Jadlow, Overland Park, KS
Is more than being married to one man
for forty-nine years.
It’s knowing your best friend
will be there to listen, comfort, console,
right or wrong, good or bad.
It’s knowing he will be there with the broom
when life shatters
into a million pieces.
Sharing one another’s presence
without words;
enjoying each other’s company.
Giving the other space for their opinion
without demanding mirror-image
Watching children grow, mature,
and multiply
with families of their own.
Building a life together
in loving bonds
not even death can break.


  • albina schuster

    How true….and beautifully spoken….thank you my dear fiend sally!

    • Jan Sharp

      You have such a gift with words. How beautiful – – and how true. Jan