“burning question” by Lee Shirk, Pennsylvania

Money July 14, 2011 17:29

topic: MONEY medium: TEXT


“Money…always the burning question…in the forefront of my mind….or is it the lack of it?….We worry when we have money…like how do protect and make it grow…Will I make the right choice?…Is this investment really worth it?…And I worry when I don’t have it, which is most of the time. If I work just a few more hours scrubbing toilets, will I be okay this week/month?….I’m hungry, but rent is due, what to do?….For me, it’s a balancing act…walking a tight rope….loss of sleep…major anxiety….I don’t think I ask for much…food, roof over my head, ability to give when needed….perhaps the goals aren’t set high enough?….shoot for the moon, you can’t win big if you don’t play big…but one must have money to play at all…a vicious, never-ending circle….I don’t believe i was ever taught about money properly…Sure, I had a savings account as a kid, it was fun to put money in and the sense of pride it brought watching the minuscule amount grow in tiny increments…but what about real life?…I never learned how to make the money work for me as opposed to me for it….Although, I have never really taken the time to learn how to do it…work it….make it grow…Herein lies the problem….no personal responsibility for my situation…I have failed myself and my family by not doing so…Is it too late?…I think not…I’m still breathing and most of mental faculties are in tact…there is no excuse … It’s all about making “the plan”…figure out what I want then make it happen…Easier said than done…but not impossible…Where do I go? Who do I trust?…How can I make it happen?….These are the questions that need to be answered in this world of money…”

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