Post Tagged with: "money"

“I like money” by Afeeni Islam, NYC

topic: MONEY medium: CONVERSATION “I like money. Money I need. Gotta get money. Money over bitches! That’s my mantra, so write it down! But seriously, money—or assigning value to human life essentially—is equally evil and necessary. Money is what creates our culture in its current form.  The people at the […]

“What does ‘Money’ mean to me” by Liza Gnirke, Massachusetts

“What does ‘Money’ mean to me” by Liza Gnirke, Massachusetts

MONEY PenTales Intern Matthew Gutierrez takes to the street to talk to New Yorkers about money Meandering through the streets of NoLita, I stopped in a local coffee shop to gently prod the usual café-goers for a donation.  The pitch: “Help a growing boy build a working, on-the-ground definition of what “Money” […]

“burning question” by Lee Shirk, Pennsylvania

“burning question” by Lee Shirk, Pennsylvania

topic: MONEY medium: TEXT   “Money…always the burning question…in the forefront of my mind….or is it the lack of it?….We worry when we have money…like how do protect and make it grow…Will I make the right choice?…Is this investment really worth it?…And I worry when I don’t have it, which […]

“Money is paper” by Jessica Benedict, Pennsylvania

topic: MONEY medium: text “Money is paper. It’s the means to be comfortable and not having to worry about eating or paying the bills. Having it means I can keep my family from knowing the hardships that some people have to face. You need it for survival, but beyond that, […]

“Teach your Children Well” by C. Shoemaker, Pennsylvania

topic: MONEY medium: CONVERSATION “Ya gotta really teach your children well these days…about money and finances and all that. Ya gotta be honest with your kids from day one. I remember tellin’ my two sons one day, after movin’ into this new apartment: “Now boys, if anyone asks you, ya […]