“Bad Bad Billy” by Oliver Price, London
topic: TRAVEL medium: SONG, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “On the Road”
topic: TRAVEL medium: SONG, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “On the Road”
topic: EVENT medium: PHOTO In November, 2010 PenTales Storytellers gathered in London to share their perspectives on “Great Expectations.” The stories included “So, Great Expectations,” by James Creedon and “Just a Girl” by Rocio deMingo.
topic: TRAVEL medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “On the Road”
topic: TRAVEL medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “On the Road”
topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT The first page of the exercise book returned her stare, blank and insolent. Little squares, plotted with indigo lines, challenged her with their tiny white spaces, pregnant with possibility, daring her to fill them with the pen on the desk. It was still capped, unused. The […]
The Sea of High Adventure, by Nina Clarke, London The first thing she felt for when she opened her eyes was Tiger. Tiger wasn’t there. Her hands scrambled on the ground for him but the ground was hot, hard and now it had given her a splinter in her palm. […]
topic: CHANGE medium: TEXT I’m a little child lost in the valley of freedom. Too many choices, too little time. Through the darkness of my subconscious dreams, little paths of light appear. Kaleidoscopes of rainbows, reflections of my soul, paths that try to lead the way, which to choose, I […]
topic: TRAVEL medium: VIDEO
topic: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT medium: TEXT As shared at a PenTales event themed “Crime and Punishment” I’d love to start by saying it was an extraordinary day, but it wasn’t. It really was just another day. I’d got up, had breakfast, kissed my fiancé goodbye, taken the tube to work, […]