“Three Queens” by Anna Matussek, Paris

Borders July 13, 2011 21:24

topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT

as read at a PenTales event themed “Royalty”

Once upon a time there were three queens in three kingdoms far, far away. The first, Amaleia, the queen of the land of dust, was queen by birthright, due to the lack of male sibling and so on. The second, Veronicaleda, the queen of the waterways, had been married to the king at 12 years old and acquired her title by marriage. The third, Evasingua, whose husband, the eldest son of the holy kingdom of Vulcania’s royal family, had passed away on their wedding night, had been reigning supreme in the Land of Vulcanic fire for 20 years.

One day the three queens met at a polo match, the traditional precursor to war between their kingdoms. Amaleia and Evasingua exchanged hard, stone cold glances across the table, whereas Veronicaleda, started sweating, flustered and looking up and down the long table, searchingly trying to catch the only other two females’ eyes. When Amaleia, queen of dust, finally caught the insignificant ‘married to the royal’ eyes, she wrinkled her forehead while trying to decipher what that wife of one of her arch-enemy was trying to mouth. She sent forth her trusted servant to relay the message and whence he, Jean- Baptiste- a handsome young pleb- returned with a message from queen Veronicaleda, smirking slightly, she couldn’t quite believe the words from his mouth.
Breaking with the interest of the diplomatic entente, Amaleia sent Jean-Baptiste to relay the same messge to Evasingua. Shortly after, during half-time, when the menfolk would go to smoke shishas in the man/harem tent, Amaleia, Evasingua and Veronicaleda each took a different path to the women’s bath. One they found themselves in private, Veronicaleda spoke up first: Thank you so much, fellow queen sisters, for coming to my help. In all the years as queen has never such embarrassing thing happened at an outdoor event. You must understand, it is my lunar bloodbath, and I have come unprepared!
Worry not, Veronicaleda, said Evasingua, as queen by birthright/dead king, I have been able to surround myself with female guards that do not my husband serve (him being dead and all), which means they are free from contamination of the seed. I have been able to use my cunning female slaves to come up in unison with a handy tool, to not stain
official thrones and such at the lunar bloodbath.
Amaleia, feeling her internal guard slowly coming down and relaxing, also started speaking the familiar tone. Yes indeed, I have been able to call upon scientists in my land to sort out these monthly inconveniences. I however, have also found that there is strength in the changes in body and mind during these times. Let us not waste time here, without calling on suspicions of the menfolk and the kings- Evasingua, do you have a spare contraption to aid Veronacaleda on you? Good, so that should be fine. I am intrigued however at what powers of sisterhood this has called forth.
I suggest we shall make secret meetings and communications to inquire and invest in this new form of dialogue, less bloodthirsty and war-like behaviour in these baths than I ever encountered. It is as if we have forgotten our warring histories and have leveled ourselves, despite different heritage and power…
From that day forth, the three queens would send carrier pigeons with messages, oft complaining of the unfair treatment that was even bestowed upon queens themselves due to their gender and biology.
Why was it that only male children were to become heirs of the throne?
Why was it that in these circumstances, women often killed their newborn daughters?
Why was it that their female servants were ‘made love to’ against their will by the menfolk of the palace and court?
Why was it that as women in their courts they were made to wear things that wer uncomfortable –almost to faint-to appear slim and waif-like, whilst their husbands and male courtiers were proudly wearing their big bellies?
Secret meetings between the queens become more frequent as well, to discuss these issues and plan a secret revolution of female rights and equality. But it was not to be, one of their meetings was found out by the kings of the kingdoms surrounding the land of dust, the land of Vulancia and the land of waterways. And these kings made a pact,
treason against all man-folk in the 5 kingdoms of the Salome region was to be the crime,
punishable by the worst of all fates…

Expulsion. By forces far greater than had ever been summoned the 3 queens were
banished never to return, to a land so far away; no one in the civilized world could point
it out on the common land-maps.

This place, more magical than anyone imagined, was what is now known to the world as New York city. And where exactly can you find their imprint, that these queens made so long, long ago? They settled in a wonderful place and proceeded to name it-after themselves: Queens. So if you ever manage to venture there, make sure to look out for
their descendents…a common tribe called the Drag Queens, bound by the force of sisterhood through the ages, not lunar bloodbaths or weakness of spirit. Most venerated in glittering clothing, with voices like angels, celebrated, adored and, if legend holds true, the secret rulers of the modern world.

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