“To define true love would be to ruin its purity” by Liza Gnirke, NYC

BLOG,Love and Heartbreak July 27, 2011 06:28


Well, I’m a romantic.  I guess I believe in true love, as dumb as that sounds.  It’s all about finding your soul mate.  The qualities that each of us look for will vary from person to person obviously.  But, in general, they are…well…the counterpart to your soul.  For me, my soul mate would like music, cuddling, food (cheez-its, pierogies and sour patch kids, to be specific), late night adventures, taking risks, more cuddling, learning, and traveling…to name a few.  These are things that I enjoy, so obviously my soulmate would, too.  But is that all there is for love?  Is that entirely what Love means to me?  Well, that’s a gigantic question and I’m not sure if I’m experienced enough to answer it, you know?  Maybe all of life’s real experiences exist to constantly tear down our notions of love.  Maybe that’s the point.  We have to make Love.  It’s not just that we’re expected to grow up, forfeit hope and fear for ‘passion’ and ‘lust’, consider marriage from a spiritual, moral, and financial perspective, plan the multifariously unpredictable aspects parenthood, while bearing in mind job security and personal fulfillment and the whole lot!  But, on top of all that, on top of the non-ideal silver spoons that we so passionately refuse, we are continuously let down.  We’re let down again and again and again.  Obviously those kinds of future concerns and expectations destroy certain passions of love, all to often leaving us scarred and naked and estranged…like lepers.  And then we’re scoffed at by everyone else, like they knew…like the whole scarred and skeptical lot knew the whole time and mum’s the word!  “I told you so!” stamped on the foreheads of our friends and family, or head-shaking support system.  We’re supposed to always make the “right” decision, or right the ship if it’s gone astray.  But there are two ways of doing that: by jumping ship or going down with it.  So what do you do?  We have certain kinds of loves, like the love that you’ll hold for your future children or like that passionate love for your first crush, which is probably different than the love you feel for your soon-to-be, “good” husband, unfortunately.  Right?  I’m totally screwed.  Aw, man I’m so screwed!  The guys I usually fall for would make terrible husbands.  I love how free and crazy they are, how unsafe and exciting and stimulating they are!  But, considering what I love about them is an inherent and undeniable problem when posed against the prototypical husband, they’re hardly realistic options.  You know?  There’s always room to grow, but maybe that’s where passion ends.  Maybe it never was “love” in the first place.  Like I said, maybe I’m too inexperienced to make these calls.  Maybe it’s just “attraction” or “lust” or stupid, teenage-girl, hormonal reactions.  Who knows?  “To define true love would be to ruin its purity, therefore it has no definition.”  I like that.  I think I’ll stick with that until expectations, or something worse, catch up to me…

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