“Making Ends Meet” Storytelling Event in Berlin
topic: EVENT medium: PHOTO In October 2010, PenTales Storytellers gathered to share perspectives on “Making Ends Meet.” One of the stories was Pippen Wigglesworth’s “How Not to Make Ends Meet.”
topic: EVENT medium: PHOTO In October 2010, PenTales Storytellers gathered to share perspectives on “Making Ends Meet.” One of the stories was Pippen Wigglesworth’s “How Not to Make Ends Meet.”
topic: MONEY medium: TEXT So it’s the summer before my senior year of college, and I’m sleeping in the third bottom shelf of a triplex bunk bed in a hostel in Newquay, England. A smell keeps waking me up in my BARRACKS of a room. Each room is surfer-themed. Mine […]
topic: MONEY medium: TEXT “Money…always the burning question…in the forefront of my mind….or is it the lack of it?….We worry when we have money…like how do protect and make it grow…Will I make the right choice?…Is this investment really worth it?…And I worry when I don’t have it, which […]