Archive for category: Queer

“Queer” by Atisha Paulson

“Queer” by Atisha Paulson

topic: QUEER medium: TEXT Jean didn’t ask me if my mom was a lesbian today. She asked me that yesterday at work. In fact, it was the first thing out of her mouth. It almost pushed me over the edge. I looked at her with utter disgust, as if I […]

“Lipstick-lesbian Fantasies” by Dotun Akintoye, NYC

“Lipstick-lesbian Fantasies” by Dotun Akintoye, NYC

topic: QUEER medium: TEXT Shall I suppress the lipstick-lesbian fantasies of my male heterosexual id for a while? Fine, have it your way. In some respects I have no idea how to answer the query. The truth is I don’t think about the issue all that much, which, if you […]

“Queerness has liberated me” by Devin D. Moss

“Queerness has liberated me” by Devin D. Moss

topic: QUEER medium: TEXT I used to try to deflect the “are you gay?” question. If I said no, I’d be lying to the world and myself. If I said yes, I’d be sentencing myself to a life of oppression. What’s a 15 year old to do? My life has […]

“Queer is a broad word” by Trina Hines, NYC

“Queer is a broad word” by Trina Hines, NYC

topic: QUEER medium: TEXT For me, queer is, it’s a really broad word, but specifically to me I use that to identify myself b/c I don’t see it as so black and white as the word gay or lesbian. It’s the epitome of the whole spectrum, so I’m somewhere under […]