“Candy and Money, Not a Love Story” by Toby Miller, NYC
topic: MONEY medium: VIDEO Watch Toby’s Story Here!
topic: MONEY medium: VIDEO Watch Toby’s Story Here!
topic: MONEY medium:TEXT, VIDEO This story was shared at a PenTales event themed “Making Ends Meet” After my parents’ divorce, our family’s house became Dad’s house. Weekends there became not normal weekends, but very exciting trips. Mom had taken our beds with her when we moved out, so at Dad’s […]
topic: MONEY medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales Event themed “Making Ends Meet” The email simply reads, “I’ll pay you three hundred and fifty dollars. Three hundred and fifty dollars.” I lie down and I think about this. I think about a three, a five, and a zero. […]
topic: MONEY medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “Making Ends Meet” Wie üblich, dachte ich als Kind, alles Geld sei Spielgeld. Das wäre keine Problem gewesen, hätten meine Eltern mir nicht so viel davon gegeben. Ich habe es nämlich verschenkt, so wie man Postkarten oder wie […]
topic: LOVE AND HEARTBREAK medium: SONG, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “Love and Heartbreak”
topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “Love and Heartbreak”
topic: NATURE medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “Great Expectations”
topic: LOVE AND HEARTBREAK medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “Great Expectations”
topic: LOVE AND HEARTBREAK medium: TEXT, VIDEO as shared at a PenTales event themed “Making Ends Meet”