Post Tagged with: "Stephanie Hodges"

“Love and Heartbreak” Storytelling Event in NYC

“Love and Heartbreak” Storytelling Event in NYC

topic: EVENT medium: PHOTO In February 2010, PenTales Storytellers gathered to share perspectives on “Love and Heartbreak.” Stories included “On First Kisses” by Nick Schonberger, “John Held Margot Close” by Will Carlough, “Let’s Wear Burlap Sacks Forever” by Stephanie Hodges, “Lunch Break” by Mary Kate Burke, “Revisions of a Letter […]

“Let’s Wear Burlap Sacks Forever” by Stephanie Hodges, NYC

“Let’s Wear Burlap Sacks Forever” by Stephanie Hodges, NYC

topic: LOVE AND HEARTBREAK medium: TEXT as shared at a PenTales event themed “Love and Heartbreak” It was 1987. a Swiss boy named Simon knocked on our door. He was 5. His family just moved to the neighborhood. his mom and dad were both newly appointed foreign correspondents to the […]