Post Tagged with: "connected"

“From My Nigerian Connection” by Pauline Masurel, Bristol UK

“From My Nigerian Connection” by Pauline Masurel, Bristol UK

topic: CONNECTED medium: TEXT Liesl Schillinger, of the New York Times Book Review, had this to say about “From My Nigerian Connection”: Pauline Masurel has fun here riffing on the barrage of grammatically-challenged exhortatory missives so many of us discovered in our inboxes over the last decade, sent by enterprising […]

“Disconnected Pen” by Noah Wunsch, NYC

“Disconnected Pen” by Noah Wunsch, NYC

topic: CONNECTED medium: TEXT Liesl Schillinger, of the New York Times Book Review, had this to say about “Disconnected Pen”: This is a great subject, and a low-key but powerful demonstration of how 21st -century communication technologies are changing the way people live—and die— before any of us has had […]

“Timor Highway” by Michael Brown

topic: CONNECTED medium: TEXT Liesl Schillinger, of the New York Times Book Review, had this to say about “Timor Highway”: While this story doesn’t adhere to the theme of the contest—“Being Connected in the 21st Century”—as directly as the others, it shows that connections of love, duty and loyalty don’t […]

“Half a Toast” by Miriam Zolin, Melbourne Australia

“Half a Toast” by Miriam Zolin, Melbourne Australia

topic: CONNECTED medium: TEXT Liesl Schillinger, of the New York Times Book Review, had this to say about “Half a Toast”: I liked the way this story kept me guessing, even though it was short. And after reading it once, I read it again, with new appreciation for the author’s […]

“Virtually Connected” by Derek Goggin, Northumberland

topic: LOVE AND HEARTBREAK medium: TEXT as submitted for the “Connected” Contest Daniel is ten today, double figures, digital. Today he gets to game properly. Until now he has used the computer games his parents bought him, and used the Wii games with the family but from now on the […]

“The High Price of Being Plugged In” by Kim Malchuk, Winnipeg

“The High Price of Being Plugged In” by Kim Malchuk, Winnipeg

topic: NEW FRONTIERS medium: TEXT as submitted for the “Connected” Competition While walking through a shopping mall I witnessed a blatant act of human disconnection at its worst. A business man was walking through the mall while feverishly typing some response on his blackberry. He was completely oblivious to others […]

“Christmas Eve 2010” by Judith Rodgers, Bronx

topic: LOVE AND HEARTBREAK medium: TEXT as submitted for the “Connected” Contest When I reach the corner he is there, smiling. As always, he has appeared from nowhere. He waits for me to approach; I cross the street and walk straight into his arms. It is the same corner, the […]

“Timor Highway” by Michael Brown, Australia

topic: BORDERS medium: TEXT as submitted for the “Connected Contest” Every morning, Fernandez and his little sister, Lee, ran up and down the road that winds from Dili to Baucau. They looked for the biggest potholes and, after stormy nights, for any trees that had fallen across the road. If […]

“Conversation Stopper” by Andrew Campbell Kearsey, London

“Conversation Stopper” by Andrew Campbell Kearsey, London

topic: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT medium: TEXT as submitted for the “Connected” Contest Apparently there’s quite a media storm. That’s how my lawyer puts it. She says I’ve divided the nation. I’ve asked my neighbour to keep all the press clippings. I’ll have to start a scrapbook when I get home. […]