Post Tagged with: "Annalise Hagen"

“Love and Heartbreak” Storytelling Event in NYC

“Love and Heartbreak” Storytelling Event in NYC

topic: EVENT medium: PHOTO In February 2010, PenTales Storytellers gathered to share perspectives on “Love and Heartbreak.” Stories included “On First Kisses” by Nick Schonberger, “John Held Margot Close” by Will Carlough, “Let’s Wear Burlap Sacks Forever” by Stephanie Hodges, “Lunch Break” by Mary Kate Burke, “Revisions of a Letter […]

“Revisions of a Letter to my Daughter” Annalise Hagen, NYC

I remember you singing to yourself in the kitchen, notes over cut fruit, pretending yourself some one else in need of amusement. Boredom was dangerous for you there. The fruit was not fresh, it was frozen. Its seeds were pale things that fit under your thumbnail. You couldn’t throw away […]