Archive for category: Crime and Punishment

“1,2,3” by Sebastian Waechter, Vienna

CRIME AND PUNISHMENT “…1…2…3… er atmete das leise anschwellende Rauschen ein, es durchdrang seinen Körper, seine Seele, nahm ihn auf in seinen Sog und brachte ihn sanft zu jenem Ort auf den sein ganzes bisheriges Leben gerichtet war. Wie der letzte Zug des Bogens einer Violine nach dem Konzert, in […]

“The Night Point” by Toby Miller, NYC

topic: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT medium: TEXT as told at a PenTales event themed “Crime and Punishment”  In the empty church, he still found it hard to get his bearings once the lights were turned out and he was left to guard the vast place alone from a little desk by […]

Interview with Mexico City Instigator, Pablo Collada

Interview with Mexico City Instigator, Pablo Collada

PenTales: You’re the Mexico City Instigator. Tell us a 100-word story to help us get to know Mexico City. Pablo: In the suburbs of Mexico City, there is a place called Chalco Solidaridad. It is an urban development built after the 1985 earthquakes that tore down several parts of the […]

“Just Another Day” by Nicholas Clarke, London

“Just Another Day” by Nicholas Clarke, London

topic: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT medium: TEXT As shared at a PenTales event themed “Crime and Punishment” I’d love to start by saying it was an extraordinary day, but it wasn’t. It really was just another day. I’d got up, had breakfast, kissed my fiancé goodbye, taken the tube to work, […]