topic: Monogamy medium: Text
What do I think of monogamy? Honestly? Honestly, I think it’s a outmoded, outdated, bullshit social construct designed and propagated for and by the weak and faint of heart that only retains relevancy and continues to be proliferated as an all-encompassing, strive-worthy ideal because the mob of ignoramuses that constitute the overwhelming majority of this culture need something to believe in, something to drive them. But c’mon now. Open yourself to the situation. We’re brought into this world alone, we suffer throughout alone, and then we die alone: simple. Submission to this wannabe ideal, this guise of connection—the popularly purported underlying motivation for all action, for “existence” as the best of us have known it—is a blinding enterprise. Okay, so, I submit to this ultimately arbitrary thus random notion…and then what?! I’m now miraculously saved? I see the guiding light? Puh-lease. By the grace of another—someone you or I could never fully trust because of their innate default-setting(s), their hardwired selfishness—we’re really expecting deliverance, a miracle before our very eyes? HA! The only basket I’m willing to dump my eggs into is me. I suppose I adhere to an Emersonian credo of self-reliance; it’s really the only rational thing to do. But never mind that… What can I, well, we, honestly expect from anybody else? Seriously. A reciprocal, abstract complex that—beknownst or not—signifies and affirms an undeniable, unbreakable trust and connection? HAHAHA! No. No, I don’t think so. Look at “Civil Union” now, the new hot word, the new passenger pigeon of ‘Monogamy’…for now. The be-all-end-all bullshit concept has seized the imagination of yet another disillusioned demographic and has institutionalized itself in their lives and ours. Great! Who cares!? Look, honestly, I’m just awaiting the day that it’s legal for me to marry myself. That’ll be the day that I can even begin to consider the validity of someone else because that’ll finally be the day that someone (besides me, of course) has any semblance of an inkling of the right idea. Right? You know what I’m saying?
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